I think it's easier for me to post updates weekly than whenever I can,because then I can upload the pictures in its event order and I can also keep track of what I've posted.
The title of this post inspires me a lot.So many things have happened this week,both personally and in non-personal ways.And I really do want to improve myself,I've told myself this so many times but like what someone important told me,it's pointless just saying it when you don't do it.Everyday,I remind myself of who I want to be.And for now,the very first thing I ask myself before saying or asking is, 'Is it necessary?'
If it isn't,then there is no reason to ask or comment and cause the other party to feel uncomfortable,upset or angry.
Moving on to my week,last Monday to Wednesday were work days for me.I must say my favourite part of working in a F&B company would be the free meals heehee.I decided to give the chilled soba another chance after my strange experience with the jelly-like soba.I thought it would be more firm and the Japanese usually have green tea to go with it.
Choco cake bought by a colleague for all of us to share
Thank you,Seka!
After work while walking home
I met Merissa and Min Teck in town,and we had fun just walking around town and I managed to get some things done and ticked off my 'To-Do List'.
Carribean Way
It's really good!Slurp slurp!
After which,we went to Payless at Centrepoint and after much consideration,I bought a pair of heels which costs only $10!Heehee :D
And then we decided to have an early dinner and I suggested Maccha House,which Gabriel and I went there once and the food was quite good.It was either EwF (again,for me) or Maccha House,and we finally settled on Maccha House.
I love their rice there,so I decided to stick to rice although their pasta looked tempting to try.
Merissa's pasta
Unfortunately the pasta had a strange taste and it was all clumped together,so half of the food was left uneaten because it was too difficult to consume.Later the auntie who worked there walked by and told Merissa she shouldn't have chosen pasta!Oh dear.I guess rice is the way to go at this cafe.
Min Teck and my take: Curry chicken rice with spinach
We sat and chatted for quite awhile at the cafe before Min Teck had to leave because he was too tired,so it was Merissa and I and Abercrombie.Hahahh.I found the sale section and picked out two pieces which were really nice,but settled on a versatile top that could be either worn half sleeved,or off shoulder.Love it so much!
In the fitting room.I simply wore the top over because it was not tight fitting or figure hugging

Hauls for the night♥
{Pardon the quality of the pictures,I took them using my phone}
I forgot to share this make up purchase which I made about two weeks back.I was looking for a make up which I could trio as a bronzer,eyebrow filler and nose contouring.It was kind of impossible,until I came across this bronzing kit by Benefit.
It comprises of a few items: highlighter,cream eyeshadow,powder eyeshadow,bronzer,bronzing brush,mascara and lipgloss.It also has a few make up tips and tricks,and behind it sits the mirror.Although it wasn't a make up item,I was happy I found this because it costs $50 and I could purchase so many different items that were useful.And if there was anything I especially liked,I could purchase them individually.So far,my favourites are the ones I'm using,which are the highlighter,bronzer and lipgloss.
I have never owned any Benefit products,but I've always known that their packaging were really unique,young and fresh which really make girls want to buy their product just for the packaging!
L-R,Up-Down: They're Real Mascara,HOOLA lipgloss,b Benefit cream eyeshadow
Moving on to Saturday's BBQ which was held at a Changi chalet,organized by Singapore Adventurous Club,or also known as S.A.C.My parents are life members of the Club,and I am a Junior member (:
"In the early 1960's, a group of adventurous young people with a common interest in outdoor activities got together to form a club for other like-minded people. 12 of them formed a pro tem committee and registered the club in August 1963. Thus was formed the Singapore Adventurers' Club, the first all-volunteer adventure club in Singapore."
Read more about it at http://www.sac.org/
Arrived early to help set things up and Dad started the fire
Happy 50th Birthday to S.A.C
Took a walk to Changi Sailing Club to have ice-cream while waiting for people to arrive.
My mum is a member there (:
Mum's ice-cream
My ice-cream brownie
{And then I couldn't eat much of the BBQ after that HAHAHH}
I named her Spot♡
My precious man♥
Slideshow on one of the most recent trips to Italy
Family dinner at Chinatown Point tonight.Initially,we were thinking of Poulet but there was a queue so we had Asian food at a Hong Kong dessert cafe.
Dad's pick: 3 layer fatty pork with salted veg
Mum's: Oriental sausage and chicken
Mine: chicken cutlet hor fun
I was too busy eating and forgot to take Gu Jie's wanton noodle :( We all also paid an extra $2 for a dessert set and I chose herbal jelly and carrot cake.
All in all,the food and dessert wasn't that good.Given the choice,I don't think I would go back again.
Love with your heart,not your eyes and you will see things in a different way.
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