Tuesday, 7 January 2014

New Year's Eve 2013

Yes,I know you are wondering why I keep posting a new update with '2013' when it's already 2014.I have been editing all the pictures,and with school just gearing up and exams starting this week,I have been trying to post all the past year events before officially writing my very first 2014 happenings.
Cut the chase, my family and I went to Changi Sailing Club for a buffet BBQ to celebrate the New Year countdown.The lighting was very dim and these pictures are a mix of phone and DSLR shots.Pardon the crazy white balances.

Salad, chicken satay and seafood cabonara spaghetti

Party props!

Meringue slice cake 

Enjoyed the countdown a lot.I hope we can go for 2015's countdown and bb could join us this time♥
Happy 2014,everyone!

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