I finally tried Llao Llao yogurt on Wednesday and also watched The Maze Runner.I personally think that Llao Llao yogurt is nothing too special,has the ingredients you can find in a supermart and make it yourself.However,if you are outside and you want something healthy to snack on and worth the value,this would be it.The queue was unexpectedly short that morning,given that it usually has a crowd of more than 8 persons in line.
There is a choice of biscuits or cereals,then three fruits and a sauce to top it off with.I had crushed Oreos,kiwi,strawberry and watermelon and chocolate sauce.
Our OOTDs that day and I think Thines' dress is really gorgeous.I love anything ombre,I think it's a very elegant way of transitioning from one colour to another,or just one solid colour to white.
I love this poster for two reasons.One,it shows how huge this maze really is and two,it has two of my favourite characters and actors in it. (: