Tuesday, 2 September 2014

“Love and Endehors Is All I Need”

Livet har vært god!I'm still on holiday so I have lots of time on my hands,a few FYP meetings here and there and catching up with friends.I still work at the clinic permanently once a week and also as and when they need more manpower.
Last Tuesday,I went to support a really good friend of mine for her Ballet exam.We are in the same class but the exam dates are arranged in such a way that no one in the same dance school would have the same day and time.Mine is 24th of this month and I am quite scared.Anyway,me being late as usual(trying to be more punctual from now on!), I reached there just before she went into the studio and wished her good luck.
Waited outside the studio for the exam to be over before we headed to Aston's for a late lunch.Did not think I would say this but I am craving Aston's after seeing all the pictures heehee!


Rare sirlion with garden veg and mac and cheese,
Lemon lime chicken with garden veg and coleslaw 

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