Monday, 8 September 2014

Mum's Birthday ♥♥♥

Last Sunday,my family and aunt celebrated my mum's birthday at Jamie's Italian.It was our first time there and we had no clue what dishes we should try,and there was an offer on with a set for two and a set for four.However, the set for two had three mains and so we added another main dish since there was four of us.We started off dinner with an appetizer plank, followed by our four main dishes and ended off with a dessert plank.We also had the choice of coffee or tea for two guests and I had cappuccino while my mum had earl grey tea.
The planks have a variety of appetizers/desserts to which they are served in small servings and what I think was so practical about this was that,if I liked a certain appetizer/dessert,then I could go back just for that and at the same time,try different main dishes.
Also,apologies for the quality of the pictures as the lighting was quite dim and we went there at night.

Appetizer plank

Beef Pasta

Grilled Chicken

Baked Salmon

Pork Belly

We didn't have a cake that night,so on the exact day of her birthday I bought three slices of cookie cheesecakes (one slice for everyone) from Starbucks to celebrate for a bit.

OOTD Last Friday

Spotted stilt walkers at VivoCity and they looked so festive!

And that is it!I also made her a card but I didn't take a picture of that.I hope my mum had a really great day and enjoyed the dinner and cake thoroughly. (: ♥