Friday 31 August 2012


First write up post in awhile.Last UT today and am so relieved!
Anyway,finally going out late tonight.I'm hoping to forget some feelings and thoughts,but they funny thing is,the person who caused my mind to get so hay wired will be there.
I hope tonight will be a great one,and I will update on what happened!
On the side note,today is Judgement Day.Sort of.

Have a great night and happy holidays!

Thursday 9 August 2012

Happy 47th Birthday Singapore♥

Heiiiiii ♥
Today's my country's birthday!She's 47 this year :D
I went to my aunt's to celebrate because we could see the fireworks from her apartment.We had a nice home cooked dinner while watching the programme on TV and savoured desserts.It was a lovely evening.

Happy 47th Birthday Singapore♥ I love you!

Friday 3 August 2012

'In a friend you find a second self.'- Isabelle Norton

It has been quite awhile since I last updated a proper post.Greatest apologies but I have been busy lately.

Nothing much has been going on,except school and going out more often than usual these days. <:>
My Ballet exam is on 20th August,so wish me luck!♥

After which,I do intend to do some revision,clubbing and probably more clubbing.Mum is getting air tickets for December's trip to Cambodia today. Can't wait <:>

How have you been?